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Low THC cannabis oil is an important first step for natural relief in The South

Hammond Lewis

What Tennessee can do right now with medical marijuana

The Tennessee medical marijuana program has already had a rocky start, and although Tennessee cannabis patients might find the state lacking, the Volunteer State hopes to be an example for other Southern states to follow.

Several states have adopted a limited or compromise medical marijuana program, and with some successes and failures, there’s a lot to say about what actually qualifies as medical marijuana.

For Tennesseans, it will mean a small subset of cannabis products called low-THC cannabis oil, and in this article, we’ll cover everything Tennessee could do right with its medical marijuana program.

What is a Limited or Compromise MMJ Program?

A limited or compromise medical marijuana program is a relatively new type of state-based program that allows for the use of some types of cannabis products, while excluding others.

It is typically called a “compromise” or “limited” bill because of the divide between medical science and traditional public opinion on cannabis, causing a social and political complication with passing a comprehensive medical marijuana program.

“Limited” or “compromise” programs typically exclude THC from what they constitute medicinally valuable, citing social or stigmatic data to back up these inaccurate claims.

This leads to most products becoming isolated compounds mixed into consumer products, rather than whole plant material or cannabis flower.

For example, Georgia allows for cannabis oil with up to 5% THC, Kentucky and Tennessee are both limited to less than 1% THC, and Texas maintains a 1% and below total THC count.

These states are essentially isolating THC as a non-medicinal compound, regardless of the known medicinal properties, allowing for all or some other compounds from the cannabis plant to be used medically.

There are only 11 states in the US with limited or compromise MMJ programs (often called CBD programs), 3 of which are not located in the South.

The overwhelming majority of states have comprehensive medical marijuana programs, except for only 3 states that have no MMJ program whatsoever. *

*Excluding the Northern Mariana Islands, where recreational cannabis is legal, but there is no medical marijuana program available.

Why Do States Choose CBD or Low-THC Cannabis Laws?

The South has not been overly welcome to cannabis as a medicine for many years.

The wave of medical marijuana programs that have swept the south is relatively new, within the last ten years or so.

Before that, southern states frequently voted no to both recreational and medical marijuana programs, likely due to antiquated beliefs, political affiliations, or a lack of cannabis education.

From 1996-2014, many states in the US legalized either recreational or medical marijuana programs, and it wasn’t until 2014 that states in the south started their own version of medical marijuana programs, starting with the “limited” or “compromise” MMJ bills.

These bills have been praised by politicians claiming a balanced approach to cannabis while trying to stray from the “stoner” appearance, but unfortunately, they lack the medical evidence to back up that stigmatic approach, and often limit or monopolize products to a point of inefficient quality.

How Tennessee Could Get Medical Marijuana Right

Cannabis as a medicine is a very old and very intricate study.

There have been innumerable studies on the medicinal properties of cannabis, including THC.

In fact, Western medicine is really only catching up to what has been practiced for thousands of years elsewhere on our planet, and it is unlikely that these new “compromise” programs work as well as uninhibited access to cannabis as a medicine.

Although it might be a step in the right direction, politically it creates the infrastructure for a program that restricts and minimizes access to an important natural compound from the cannabis plant, all from a non-scientific and non-medical basis.

Perhaps rooted in a lack of education, legislating and limiting cannabis is not the right approach for chronically and terminally ill patients.

And to Tennessee’s credit, they’re taking steps to poll public opinion on cannabis legalization, and study other state medical programs to learn how to properly implement their own.

More thorough knowledge about cannabis is required, even the federal government has started to lift their restraints on cannabis research in the US.

Critical testing and analysis, clinical trials, and uninhibited access to quality cannabis medicine are the points that Tennessee should be striving to check off the list.

And it’s not as if low-THC cannabis oil isn’t effective for certain patients, there is plenty of evidence of just the opposite.

Adding a detailed panel of knowledgeable doctors and scientists advising political committees is another step Tennessee’s medical marijuana program can take to avoid suffering the same unjustifiable and stigmatic restrictions that other states have already experienced and complained about.

What Tennessee Already Has Right for Medical Marijuana

The grass is always greener on the other side, and that’s probably going to be true for Tennessee’s medical marijuana program sharing a border with states that have comprehensive MMJ programs.

But having access to cannabis medicine, regardless of THC as a component, is an important decision for increasing the quality of life for those suffering from chronic and terminally ill conditions, such as those on Tennessee’s list.

CBD, or low-THC cannabis oil, shows a lot of promise for those without access to full plant material, and often compounds like CBD, CBG, CBN, and many others are purposefully isolated to be taken as medication.

Tennessee has made the right choice to allow for low-THC cannabis oil be used medically, and that comes with the important steps of testing and analysis.

Medical cannabis products in Tennessee will be required to go through extensive testing, and their ingredients will be reported and safe to consume for patients.

Alternatively, over the counter CBD products are prone to incorrect ingredients, wrong dosages, and inaccurate or nonexistent testing, and Tennessee’s low-THC cannabis oil will not suffer from these problems.

We hope that Tennessee looks to gather as much information as they can to implement a comprehensive medical marijuana program in the future.

For now, low-THC cannabis oil is a great alternative to full cannabis plant material for those with conditions that qualify for a Tennessee medical marijuana card.

Medical Cannabis in Tennessee

Tennessee cannabis patients will soon be able to legally purchase low-THC oil and see the relief they need organically.

Reserve your appointment today and get $25 off when we start processing applications!

Being a Tennessee cannabis patient allows you the freedom to take your medication the right way for you.

We’re dedicated to helping patients every step of the way, feel free to give us a call at (833) 781-5611 and we can answer your questions about getting a medical cannabis card in Tennessee.


Doctors Who Care. Relief You Can Trust.

At Tennessee Marijuana Card, our mission is helping everyone achieve wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.

Call us at (833) 781-5611, or simply book a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!

Check out Tennessee Marijuana Card’s Blog to keep up to date on the latest medical marijuana news, tips, and information!

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